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Latest News:


October 25, 2018

MHFA for Vets

8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Vets Resource Fair

11:00 am - 5:00 pm

Bison Ridge Recreation Center

13905 E 112th Ave, Commerce City

See the Channel 7 News coverage at:


Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018

Vet to Vet Tribute Dinner

5:00 pm

100th Anniversary of Armistice Day

Bison Ridge Recreation Center

13905 E 112th Ave, Commerce City

Please RSVP to Lisa Riggi at:

It's time for us to serve those who have served us so unselfishly…

Just for Veterans and Their Families


A new veteran mental health program is currently being developed that will assist with Mental Health education for veterans and families plus awareness events.


The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) -  VETERANS AND MILITARY course assists family members and personnel working with military and families who are often not aware of how to engage veterans with mental illnesses and addictions.  In addition to the impact of military service on the veteran, each has a circle of family and friends who are also impacted by their military service.  Come join us soon.


  • Why MHFA for Veterans, service members, and their families.  While military service often fosters resilience in individuals and families, some service members may experience mental health or substance use challenges. Thirty percent (30%) of active duty and reserve military personnel deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan have a mental health condition requiring treatment – approximately 730,000 men and women, with many experiencing post-traumatic stress syndromes/post traumatic stress disorder (PTSS/PTSD) and depression. Sadly, less than 50% of returning veterans in need receive any mental health treatment.
  • Become a certified Mental Health First Aider! Just as CPR – MHFA teaches us how to help an individual suffering from certain medical emergencies.
  • For more information, contact Lindy Lewis at

The Crisis Text Line for Vets:  If you text 741741, a crisis worker will text with you if you are suicidal or depressed, because some people just don't like to talk.


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"To Advocate for Healthier Minds and Communities through Awareness and Education”

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